Shapes tab

Shapes tab

Attributes of Shapes tab


Shapes refer to built-in objects in a variety of symbolic forms. You can insert various shapes on the Canvas by selecting the shape you want from the shapes list in the Shapes tab and dragging the selected shape and dropping it into the desired position. Unlike bitmap images, the vector-based shapes provided by Namo WebCanvas can be resized without any loss in resolution or sharpness.

Examples of shape objects
Namo WebCanvas basic lib symbol Shapes tab

Attributes of Shapes tab

In the Shapes tab, the shapes registered in the library are displayed as thumbnails. You can rearrange the thumbnails by dragging one and dropping it into the desired position. To add a shape to the shape library, select the object you want to register in the shape library on the Canvas. And drag and drop it into the desired position in the Shapes tab. You can also register the objects you created as shapes.

Namo WebCanvas make symbol overview 1 Shapes tab

  • Menu Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Shapes tab

Add Shape

Adds the current selected object on the Canvas to the active Shape library. The object is added.

Remove Shape

Removes the selected Shape item from the current shape library.

New Library

Creates a new Shape library. Enter Name for the new style library in the Library Name dialog box. As the library is empty when you create a new blank Shape library, select Add New Shape to add your new shapes into the new library.

Load Library

Opens an existing shape library you have previously saved.

Save Library As

Saves the current shape library as another shape library file.

Default Library

Loads the default Shapes library.

  • Buttons

Namo WebCanvas icon lib add Shapes tab

Add Shape
Adds the selected object on the Canvas to the current shape library.

Namo WebCanvas icon lib delete Shapes tab

Remove Shape
Removes the selected Shape from the current shape library. It has same attribute as Remove Shape of the Menu.

Namo WebCanvas reference Shapes tab Adding bitmap images to the Shapes list and loading the relevant library may take some time depending on the user’s Operationg System.

Namo WebCanvas top Shapes tab

Shapes tab