Libraries window

A library, in its ordinary sense, is a place where you can find a lot of books on various subjects. You can find books classified by subjects and topics. In a software application, a library is a set of files containing the information on its subroutines or functions; it is also a series of files containing the specific information on the resources used for the software. The Libraries window is displayed when you select [Window > Libraries]. The Styles tab is a collection of various properties, and the Shapes tab is a collection of built-in vector images that are difficult to create with the Standard Tools.

  • Styles tab
    Provides styles to apply to an object. You can register the objects that you have created as styles. Pressing the Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Libraries window button displays the menu items.
  • Shapes tab
    You can insert various shapes by selecting the shape you want from the shape list in the Shapes tab. Then drag the selected shape and drop it in the desired position. The shapes are usually those that are difficult to create with the tools in the Tool Palette. Pressing the Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Libraries window button displays the menu items.
Namo WebCanvas top Libraries window

Libraries window