Sheets tab

Sheets tab

Attributes of the Sheets tab

Sheets tab

A sheet is a higher image element than a layer. A layer can contain many objects in it; a sheet can contain multiple layers.

Attributes of the Sheet tab

The Sheet tab of the Layers window lets you create a sheet, delete an existing sheet, or reorder and duplicate the sheets.

Namo WebCanvas basic layer sheet ex1 Sheets tab

  • Menu Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Sheets tab

Add Sheet

Adds a new blank sheet. You can create more than one sheet in one file.

Remove Sheet

Deletes the selected sheet. The layers and objects are deleted along with the sheet.

Duplicate Sheet

Makes a copy of the selected sheet. Used when you duplicate and edit an existing button to create a Smart Rollover Button.

Rename Sheet

Specifies the new name for the selected sheet in the Rename dialog box. Make sure to specify the name of the sheet as Normal/Rollover/Highlight when creating a Smart Rollover Button.

  • Sheets list
  • Displays the name of the sheets. Double-clicking the selected name opens the Rename dialog box, which allows you to rename the sheet.

  • Buttons

Namo WebCanvas icon lib add Sheets tab

Add New Sheet

Adds a new blank sheet named ‘new sheet’. It is the same attribute as Add New Sheet of the Menu.

Namo WebCanvas icon lib copy Sheets tab

Duplicate Sheet
Makes a copy of the selected sheet. All the layers and objects within the sheet are also duplicated.

Namo WebCanvas icon lib delete Sheets tab

Remove Sheet
Deletes the selected sheet from the sheet list.

Namo WebCanvas top Sheets tab

Sheets tab