Layers tab

Layers tab

Attributes of the Layers tab

Layers tab

A layer is a collection of objects. You can categorize objects into several layers, and this is useful, as you may need to treat certain objects as a whole. By assembling objects into layers, you can show, hide, delete or copy a certain collection of objects at once. You can show, hide, delete, or copy an assembled group of objects at once. This can make the editing of an object more convenient and effective.

You can think of layers as transparent films. Each layer has its own objects, and when you stack them together, you can see the whole object in a single screen. You can add or remove films from the stack, or move an object from one film to another.

Attributes of the Layers tab

The Layer tab of the Layer window lets you manage various objects and layers efficiently. You can change visibility and editability of layers and objects, as well as adjust the opacity and apply various blend modes to the objects. The Layer tab with its expandable and collapsible tree structure allows you to manage a set of objects or groups in a layer. You can reorder or remove layers, as well as their associated sub-elements, such as groups or objects.

Namo WebCanvas basic lib layer ex1 Layers tab

  • Sub-menu Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Layers tab
  • Add Layer


    Creates a new blank layer to the current image. A layer named ‘new layer’ is added to the layer list.

    Remove Layer

    Removes the selected layer and its sub-elements such as objects or groups.

    Duplicate Layer

    Make a copy of the selected layer. All the elements in the layer are also copied.

    Duplicate Object

    Make a copy of the selected object.

    Rename Layer…

    Specifies the new name for the selected layer in the in the Rename dialog box.

    Rename Object…

    Specifies the new name for the selected object in the in the Rename dialog box.

    Show All Layers

    Shows all of the layers in the current layer list. To turn on or off the visibility of the individual layer/object, use the Show/Hide icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer hide Layers tab.

    Hide All Layers

    Hides all of the layers in the current layer list. To turn on or off the visibility of the individual layer/object, use the Show/Hide icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer hide Layers tab.

    Lock All Layers

    Locks all of the layers in the current layer list so that they cannot be edited. To turn on or off the editability of the individual layer/object, use the Lock icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer lock Layers tab.

    Unlock All Layers

    Unlocks all of the layers in the current layer list so that the layers can be edited. To turn on or off the editability of the individual layer/object, use the Lock icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer lock Layers tab.

    Thumbnail Options…

    Decides the method in which the layer thumbnails are displayed in the Thumbnail Options dialog box.

  • Blending Mode drop-down list


No effect is applied to the current images.


Creates an image representing the properties of the current object and the object arranged below it. White is displayed as white, with no change, and any color blended with black turns black.


Creates an image representing the brighter color value of the two images. In contrast to the Multiply mode, a color blended with black goes through no change and a color blended with white turns white.


Only the image with the darker value of the two appears. Accordingly, white goes through no change.


Only the image with the brighter value of the two appears. Accordingly, black goes through no change.

Examples of blending modes that have been applied to the circle at the right bottom.

Namo WebCanvas ori layer basic Layers tab

Namo WebCanvas layer multiply Layers tab

Namo WebCanvas layer screen Layers tab




Namo WebCanvas layer dark Layers tab

Namo WebCanvas layer light Layers tab





  • Opac
  • Specifies the degree of opaqueness of objects/groups. The lower the value, the more transparent the elements become.

    In the examples below, opacity values have been applied to the circle at the right bottom.

    Namo WebCanvas ori layer basic Layers tab

    Namo WebCanvas layer opacity 50p Layers tab

    Namo WebCanvas layer opacity 0p Layers tab

    Opacity 100 %

    Opacity 50 %

    Opacity 0 %

  • Layers list box
    Shows the list of objects and layers. Double-clicking the selected layer name displays the Rename dialog box. You can then modify the name of the layer and object.

Namo WebCanvas icon layer open Layers tab/Namo WebCanvas icon layer close Layers tab

Click the Expand icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer close Layers tab to show all sub-elements of a layer, such as objects or groups in the Layer tab of the Layer window. Click the Collapse icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer open Layers tab to hide the sub-elements of a layer such as objects or groups in the Layers tab of the Layers window.

Namo WebCanvas icon layer hide Layers tab

Click the eye-shaped icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer hide Layers tab to hide the selected layer or an object on the Canvas. Click the spot once more to show the layer or element.

Namo WebCanvas icon layer lock Layers tab

Click the lock-shaped icon Namo WebCanvas icon layer lock Layers tab to lock a layer or an object. Locking a layer or an object keeps you from editing the selected elements. Locking a layer prevents you from editing all the objects and groups included in the layer.

  • Buttons

Namo WebCanvas icon lib add Layers tab

Add Layer
Creates a new blank layer to the current image. A new layer is added to the top of the layer list.

Namo WebCanvas icon lib copy Layers tab

Duplicate Layer
Make a copy of the selected layer. All the elements of the layer are also copied.

Namo WebCanvas icon lib delete Layers tab

Remove Objects
Removes the selected layer/object from the layer list.

Namo WebCanvas top Layers tab

Layers tab