Layers window

Allows you to view the information about layers and sheets, which refer to the current image and modify its properties. Selecting the [Window > Layers] menu command displays the Layers window and you can either dock or undock the Layers window by selecting or deselecting the [Window > Enable Docking] menu command. The Layers tab and the Sheets tab are components of the Layers window.

  • Layers tab
    Displays the list of layers. Lets you modify the name and order of the objects and edit layer properties. Pressing the Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Layers window button displays the relevant menu.
  • Sheets tab
    Displays the list of sheets. Lets you create a sheet that can be renamed, duplicated, and/or edited. Pressing the Namo WebCanvas basic layer overview 1 Layers window button displays the relevant menu.
Namo WebCanvas top Layers window

Layers window