Editing effects

You can select the effects applied to an object and edit or remove them. When you apply multiple effects to an object, the order of the effects determines how the object is modified, and how the object is displayed. The upper most effect in the hierarchy of the effects list are applied first, working downward in importance and dominace on the displayed result.

  1. Select the Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette select Editing effects on the Tool Palette.
  2. Select an object to which effects have been applied.
  3. Select the Effect tab of the Properties window.
  4. Choose one of the following methods.
    • To edit effects, select the effect you want to edit from the Effect tab and click Edit Effect Namo WebCanvas icon property effect edit Editing effects in the Hue/Saturation dialog box, edit the effect.
    • To remove effects, select the effect you want to remove from the Effect tab and click Remove Effect Namo WebCanvas icon lib delete Editing effects.
    • To modify the order of effects, drag and drop the effects or press Move Up Namo WebCanvas icon property effect up Editing effects or Move DownNamo WebCanvas icon property effect down Editing effects.

Namo WebCanvas reference Editing effects All effects in the effects list are applied to the object in relation to their position from the top of the list. When you deselect the check box in the Effects tab, the applied effect is removed from the object on the Canvas. As you apply effects to the selected object, you can immediately see the resulting modification.

Namo WebCanvas top Editing effects

Editing effects