Arranging the overlapping order of objects

You can apply various effects by arranging the overlapping order of the objects.

  1. Select the Selection Tool Namo WebCanvas icon toolpalette select Arranging the overlapping order of objects on the Tool Palette.
  2. Select objects whose order you want to arrange on the Canvas.
  3. Select the [Modify > Arrange] menu command or click the relevant button on the Object Toolbar.
    • To bring the selected object to the forefront, select Bring to Front Namo WebCanvas icon modify arrange front Arranging the overlapping order of objects on the Object Toolbar or select the [Modify > Arrange > Bring to Front] menu command. The object is positioned on the top.
    • To bring the selected object one step forward in the layer it belongs to, select Bring Forward Namo WebCanvas icon modify arrange forward Arranging the overlapping order of objects on the Object Toolbar or select the [Modify > Arrange > Bring Forward] menu command.
    • To bring the selected object one step backward in the layer it belongs to, select Send Backward Namo WebCanvas icon modify arrange backward Arranging the overlapping order of objects on the Object Toolbar or select the [Modify > Arrange > Send Backward] menu command.
    • To bring the selected object to the back, select Send to Back Namo WebCanvas icon modify arrange back Arranging the overlapping order of objects on the Object Toolbar or select the [Modify > Arrange > Send to Back] menu command. The objected is positioned at the bottom.

Namo WebCanvas reference Arranging the overlapping order of objects You can also arrange the overlapping order of objects by dragging the layers/objects directly on the list in the Layers tab of the Layers window.

Namo WebCanvas top Arranging the overlapping order of objects

Arranging the overlapping order of objects